Preparing Your Home for Winter

Preparing Your Home for Winter

By: Kim Kerr, Family Services Manager Summer always seems to fly by so quickly.  It is November already!  We all know in Northeast Ohio what is coming sooner or later.  Some are excited by those cold temperatures and white flakes, while others are dreading those...
Organizing Important Documents

Organizing Important Documents

By: Mary Shepherd, Partner Family Coordinator and Kim Kerr, Family Services Manager There are many reasons you, or a loved one, may need to be able to get your hands on important documents.  You may become incapacitated due to an accident or illness, you may have had...
If A Natural Disaster Hit…

If A Natural Disaster Hit…

By: Mary Shepherd, Partner Family Coordinator Several weeks ago Summit County experienced excessive rain and nearby areas were flooded. In mid-August, Summit County experienced high winds which uprooted trees and caused home damage and electric outages. Summit County...
Home Inventory

Home Inventory

By: Mary Shepherd, Partner Family Coordinator If someone asked you to list all the contents of your home, could you do it?  Even if you could list everything, would you be able to provide detailed information – purchase date, cost, model, serial number?  Those who...
Homeowner Spotlight: Darlisa

Homeowner Spotlight: Darlisa

Darlisa officially became a proud Habitat Homeowner at a home dedication ceremony in November of 2016. She is currently is a Branch Service Manager at Huntington National Bank and will start school at Stark State this fall to earn a degree in psychology. Homeownership...