New Home Construction

building affordable housing with local families

New Home Construction Homeowner

New Home Construction

affordable, safe and decent housing 

Habitat for Humanity’s New Home Construction is the affiliate’s signature program. Families partner with Habitat for Humanity to purchase new, safe, and affordable homes while alleviating the cost-burden of increasing housing costs, and eliminating the adverse impact of living in poverty housing long-term. Homes are sold on a 30-year, zero interest mortgage. Habitat for Humanity of Summit County’s average mortgage payments range between $450-$750 including mortgage principal and escrow for property taxes and homeowners insurance. 

Become a Homeowner

Learn more about our homeownership program, the requirements for applicants and access the application online here.

You’re emotional through the whole process, when you pick your property to when they break ground, and overall it’s just been so exciting to watch our home being built from the ground up. It’s trully a blessing to be a part of that and watch other people be a part of that with us.

2023 Homeowner, Sabrina

This home will improve our lives by not only me but teaching my daughter responsiblity, commitment, and hard work. What I’ve learned these past two years, is homeownership is alot of hardwork, everything is on you to get it done. It was a long time coming and I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to go through this but with the help of Habitat, I found the courage in myself to believe that I can do this. I now have all the strength and belief in the world that it’s going to be a walk in the park!

2023 Homeowner, James

Home to me is a place where my kids and I can have many great memories, a place that shows stability, growth, promise, and pride. It has been inspirational going through the homeownership program with the support of family, friends, volunteers and so many others in the community.

I really love the program and I think if anyone has the opportunity, they should do it.

2023 Homeowner, Latashia

The Process to Homeownership

  1. apply for homeownership
  2. home visit/need assessment
  3. board review and approval
  4. acceptance letter
  5. orientation/start homeowner education
  6. select land
  7. ground breaking celebration
  8. volunteers on build site & in community
  9. dedication & mortgage signing
  10. move-in
  11. affordable 30-year zero interest mortgage payments
  12. mortgage burning payoff celebration
  13. generational asset
Home for Sale

Decent Housing

Habitat homes are sold to home buyers who help build their own homes alongside volunteers. These homes are modestly sized, large enough for the homeowner family’s needs, but small enough to keep construction and maintenance costs affordable. Habitat is dedicated to building energy-efficient, healthy and sustainable houses that will not only save the homeowner on utilities but will also benefit the community in the long term. 

Site Supervisors and Construction Leads



Site Supervisor



Site Supervisor



Site Supervisor

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