A beautiful kitchen remodel is something we all dream about but the high cost is an obstacle for many homeowners. Kitchen remodels add great resale value to your home but only if you are able to afford the big project. Did you know ReStore sells individual and sets of cabinets priced at 50-90% off the estimated retail value?
ReStore shopper, Cristen had been waiting for the opportunity to remodel her outdated kitchen for years. She was excited to find a set of updated cabinets during our July 4th 50% off sale. Thanks to the deep discount she found at ReStore, she was able to complete her entire remodel project for under $3,000. After seeing her photos, we knew we had to share her story with you.
“We purchased the set of cabinets and sink when ReStore had their 4th of July sale. We had been wanting to redo our kitchen for years but the expense was too high! All but one of the cabinets in the set fit in our kitchen. I wish I could thank the person who donated them and the ReStore staff member, Dawn for helping load all of them. This project has changed our home and we learned so much!”
See Cristen’s photos below and be inspired! Thank you so much Cristen for sharing your project with us.
Do you have a cool ReStore buy that you would like to share with us? Send us your photos and story at habitat@hfhsummitcounty.org